I received a phone call from Forno Bravo in California letting me know that our oven has been shipped today. Shipping time to Virginia is 6 to 9 days. They will send me the transportation tracking information on Monday. The…
Month: June 2021
Pizza Oven Tools
When the pizza oven arrives I’m sure we’ll want to try it out! So today I decided to do some research on what tools we’ll need to get started. After looking at peels, wheels, brushes, shovels etc, I was overwhelmed…
Cement board finished!
I have been able to keep the pain manageable with Tylenol every 8 hours. I don’t want to get hooked on pain meds so I am very careful with their use. Today we finished the cement board on the counters.…
I’ve been on Oxy and Tylenol 24 x 7 for the last two days. As long as I rest and stay on pain killers the pain is manageable. Today I am stopping the Oxy and going to try Tylenol only.…
Minor Set back
Well, lifting, mixing, and pouring I woke up on Saturday morning, June 12, with terrible pain and a protruding umbilical hernia. I had gotten up at 345 to use the restroom and went back to sleep. Nothing was wrong. I…
After a beautiful weekend camping at the beach we spent the week building the counters on each side of the oven. It took us the entire week due to the amount of rain we got. We used metal 2×4’s with…
Time to remove the forms
We’ve kept the slab covered with plastic. It’s been three days so we removed the forms. A great tip from a Youtube video – cover the screws with a piece of duct tape so the cement doesn’t get in the…
Hearth Cement
This morning we got an early start and poured the cement top. It took 21 1/2 – 80 pound bags of cement. I mixed the cement and poured into the frame. My wife used the cement vibrator to get rid…
Today we worked on the rebar. Got it cut, tied together and ready for cement to be poured. I didn’t get any pictures so I added one from the pour to show the rebar.